Joining our machines to the domain and check machines

  • AD
  • Windows-server

posted on 17 Jul 2022 under category Active-Directory in series Active_Directory

join AD done under two condition

  • DNS setting point to domin IP
  • administrator credential

Joining a Windows 10 to the Domain

setting up DNS

  • search ethernet -> change adapter options

Desktop View

  • Right-click on ethernet -> properties

Desktop View

  • click on IPv4 -> add domin ip and router ip at DNS

Desktop View

  • check if can ping domin now -> now can see Domain

Desktop View

join batman user to DC

lastly, All we have left to do is join the workstation to our Active Directory domain. You used to just be able to go to system in the control panel to join the pc to the domain However Microsoft are slowly getting rid of the control panel icons and you now need to go to Start -> Settings -> System -> About or just search for system it will take you to the same window.

  • In the About window, click Rename this PC (advanced) in the far right menu. If initially, you can’t see the menu. Make sure to maximise the about window for the options to become avalible.

Desktop View

  • The System Properties window should appear. Click Change.

Desktop View

  • Rename the Computer From its default name. Change the member of to Domain: Then enter the name of the Active Directory Domain you created earlyer in this tutorial. If you have been following along with my examples this will be empire.local.

Desktop View

  • You will then be asked to enter a username and password. Enter the administrator details you created for your domain.

Desktop View

  • After a couple of seconds you should get a message welcoming you to the domain. Click Ok

Desktop View

  • The messages changes telling you the Computer needs to restart . Click Ok

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  • login as batman user and done

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Joining a ubuntu to the Domain

setting up DNS

  • edit resolve.conf file -> gedit /etc/resolve.conf -> add domain ip

Desktop View

  • Install the following packages:
sudo apt install sssd-ad sssd-tools realmd adcli
  • Join the domain We will use the realm command, from the realmd package, to join the domain and create the sssd configuration. Let’s verify the domain is discoverable via DNS:
sudo realm -v discover homelab.local

Desktop View

join Flash user to DC

  • Now let’s join the domain -> add admin credential
sudo realm join -U Administrator Homellab.local

Desktop View

  • Login as flash user -> done
sudo login
-> flash@homelab.local
-> password

Desktop View

Check Machines on AD

Desktop View

