Setting up the users and add user to groups

  • AD
  • Windows-server

posted on 18 Jul 2022 under category Active-Directory in series Active_Directory

Setting Up the User and groups

| username  | groups | password | description |
| -------- | ------ | --------- | -------- |
| superman  | admin  | Password123!  |   |
| flash | admin | Password1!!| |
| batman  | user | Pass123456 | |
| sql server | user | Password1!!| password =>  Password1!!|
|ubuntu | user | Pass123!| Pass123!|

Create user

  • Choose Start → Windows Administrative Tools → Active Directory Users and Computers.

Desktop View

  • Right-click the Users Organizational Unit for the domain that you want to add the user to and then choose New →User from the context menu.

Desktop View

  • Enter the user logon name. -> This name must be unique within the domain. (Don’t worry, if you try to use a name that isn’t unique, you’ll get an error message.) and Click Next.

Desktop View

  • Enter the password twice. -> You’re asked to enter the password and then confirm it, so type it correctly. If you don’t enter it identically in both boxes, you’re asked to correct your mistake.

Desktop View

  • Verify that the information is correct and then click Finish to create the account.

Desktop View

Add User To Group

  • add superman user to admin group -> first Right-click on the name of user and click properties-> and click on member of -> click on Add -> add group name that you want add user to ex. add superman to Administrators group -> click ok

Desktop View

  • verify it -> Right-click on the name superman of user and click properties

Desktop View